Etc; Etcetera; Etc.; Et sic de ceteris
= and so forth, and so on, and the like, etc, so on, etcetera, and the kind.
Ex: The operations staff makes special backup copies of the catalogs in the network, reconstructs the files in case of a serious mishap, enters new system logon names, assigns authorization levels, and so forth.
Ex: In each class the most significant facet is placed first, the next most significant next, and so on.
Ex: And it can be used in management courses in schools of library and information science, but also in less formal settings, such as workshops, conferences, in-service training programs, and the like.
Ex: Is the hardware configuration required by the software available, for example, amount of storage, number and capacity of disc drives, addressable screen cursors etc?.
Ex: In each class the most significant facet is placed first, the next most significant next, and so on.
Ex: How would you organize it? What would its goal be? What sort of timetable would you set up? etcetera.
Ex: The main finding was that the foreign language holdings of the British Library were an extremely important resource for those working in disciplines, such as archeology, classics, and the kind.
* etcétera, etcétera = and so on and so forth, and so on, and so on....
* y un largo etcétera = and so on, and so on....